
Affron® benefits


Maintain a positive mood. A study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine evaluated the impact of 28mg of Affron® in adults. The results showed that Affron® helped adults to maintain a positive mood and alleviate occasional stress, frustration and tension. Affron® has also helped teenagers maintain a positive mood and alleviate occasional stress, frustration and tension from the child’s perspective.
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Improve how you feel during periods of occasional stress and tension. For this propose, it is also important to note a study done with Affron® and published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine not only proved digestion but also absorption of the main active compounds found in Affron®.
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Improve sleep quality associated with occasional sleeplessness. A study published in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine measured in adults with self-reported sleep complaints for occasional sleeplessness. The results showed improved overall sleep quality, a reduction of awakenings after falling asleep and improved alertness upon waking up. Additionally, improvements were seen in as little as 7-days.
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Supportive for menopausal women. A study published in Journal of Menopausal Medicine evaluated the use of Affron® in perimenopausal women and its impact on their menopausal complaints. The results showed an improvement in psychological symptoms and a strong tendency to improve hot flashes and sweating.
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